I teach ______ grade. Give me ideas for my unit on _____________.

Summarize this long article into one paragraph for me. Use simple, 4th grade language.

Take this worksheet that I created and generate a more basic version as well as a more advanced version. This will be used for scaffolding in the classroom.

List alternate assessment ideas for a unit on ____________________ for _____ grade. (Once you come up with one you like, you can follow up with:) Great, create a rubric for the _________ assessment.

Take this test from last year and create a new test with the same style of questions.

I have a student who needs help with breaking down tasks. Please break this assignment down into clear steps.

How can I accomodate a student who is showing behaviors such as __________________ ?

Can you make three versions of a worksheet for me based on __?

Create a hillarious story / poem out of these words.

My students love ______________. What can I do in class to add fun to the classroom?

Give me 5 funny extra credit questions that will make my students laugh.
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